Skiing and snowboarding Adrenaline Alpine Coaster Ski runs and lifts view offer of
summer season

Advertising in Poznań


We recommend using Maltese network of a few dozens of billboards (5,4x2,38m), megaboards (12x4m) and advertising boards (6x3m) located around the whole city. Our boards are located in place of large traffic volume, which guarantees multiple and efficient reach of advertising addressees. The service is comprehensive, starting with the graphic design, printing at competitive price and ending with placing it on the board and constantly monitoring it.

Locations are updated in the normal course and presented in a form of a reply to an offer request. For regular customers – favorable conditions for booking and a system of conveniences.

Location of billboards (5,04 x 2,38 m) you can see here

Location of megaboards (12 x 4 m) and boards (6 x 3 m) you can see here

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